2011. szeptember 28., szerda

During his childhood in Switzerland Serge learned in the local woods and fields of nature to see with new eyes. In a book by Peter Adams he saw the first designed bonsai, which he was interest aroused for designed trees. In 1980 he saw on the exhibition in Basel the first true bonsai. He worked reverently an old trees and he quickly realized that he the old tree or the habit should not change the character, but only wanted to optimize the tree made by the guidelines.
Serge tries to his workshops and demonstrations to the participants to always be on their way, which the form of a Yamadori is predetermined by nature and they must learn to subordinate and impose changes to the tree, not their creative will.
Today it is a joy to him, his knowledge to share with other bonsai enthusiasts. BONSAI CONVETION DEMONSTRATORS-WERNER M BUSCH

After his after his study in biology he set up in 1984 his shop "Bonsaiwerkstatt". Since this time he dedicated to design of the bonsai.
He selected many experiences in numerous trips to Japan and he gives this in many workshops and demonstrations in Germany and in Europe.
Since 1993 he wrote many books and professional articles about Bonsai. Since 2006 he has been a bonsai teacher for the Scuola D`Arte Bonsai.
His award winning bonsai are shown regularly in international exhibitions. NOMINATION IN CZECH NATIONAL EXHIBITION
2011. szeptember 27., kedd

He wanted to plant a tree at the birth of his first child, and this was 1985 Othmar Auer´s first contact to bonsai.
Learning bonsai for some years as an autodidact he started getting trained by master Hideo Suzuki at the Scuola d’Arte Bonsai. 1995 he made his first travel to Japan to learn bonsai from the master himselve directly. Stayed for several times there in the next years.
Due to his works in Japan he was invited to be the first non-Japanese member of the Japan Bonsai Artist Association (NBSK). Initiating the European Office (NBSKE) he was it´s president for 10 years. 1997 he had two demonstrations at the World Bonsai Congress in Seoul, South Korea.
Othmar Auer is responsible for planing and execution of several international inhibitions, such as the Sakka Ten as well as the World Bonsai Congres Inhibition in Munich, Germany. BONSAI CONVENTION 2011 RATTINGEN

"Bonsai in the middle of Europe"
European Bonsai Convention 2011
Sept. 30 - Oct. 2, 2011
and the German national bonsai exhibition