2011. október 31., hétfő
2011. október 29., szombat
2011. október 26., szerda
2011. október 1., szombat

Juergen Zaar was born March 27, 1967 in Juelich, Germany and ows and runs the "Kirei na en bonsai studio" in Cochem. He discovered his enthusiasm for Bonsai 1989. His special favourites are the conifers.
1997 he was the winner of the "New Talent Contest". Lateron he also joined the EBA contest.
2002 and 2006 he was a demonstrator at the European Bonsai Assoziation (EBA).
2005 at the yearly exhibition in Arco, Italy, his spruce (designed 2002 in Staffelstein) won one of the popular UBI awards - that was the first awarded German tree in Italy.
2007 he got got the "Lituan Honorary Award" for his engagement in forwarding the Asian bonsai culture.
In his demonstrations, workshops, and also by publishing special articles not only in Germany but also in Australia, the USA, Czech Republic, Poland, Italy, Switzerland, Danmark, Belgium, UK, Netherlands, Slowakia, and Lithuania he got an excellent reputation making his way to a technical extremely high quality level.

Ralf Steiner, born in 1965, has about 12 years fall into the design of trees.
As the "New Talent" Winners at BCD, he reached the second place at the EBA in San Marino. It was followed by public appearances at several major exhibitions in Germany as a demonstrator.
His creativity at workshops it can run free. In his designs he's not the easy way, but always try the most creative and unusual from the plants to get out. Balanced designs do not conform to his taste. He loves the dynamics, which is also reflected in his own collection again. The greater the challenge, the more it irritates him to bring the best out of the plants out.

His first contact to bonsai Christian Przybylski had 1997 when he bought books about bonsai and an imported tree.
In the following two years he joined the bonsai working group called „Grand Cru" in Duesseldof and in the „Bonsai-Club Deutschland e.V.“
1999 he was the winner of the "New Talent Competition" organized by the German Bonsai Club every year. 2000 he represented Germany on the „European New Talent Competition“ (ENTC) in Arco (Italy).
2001 he started his bonsai education at the "Scuola d'Arte Bonsai", which was run by master Hideo Suzuki (Japan); and 2008 he ended up as a bonsai teacher.
Meanwhile his designed trees won many awards at the German national exhibitions as well as at the "Bonsai Days" in Essen, Germany.
You could see numerous of his trees at important European exhibitions.

Born in 1944, Walter Pall is one of the most famous bonsai artist who has appeared on most international stages. His lectures are always worth seeing.
Walters set to demos is that they should first show a very high quality bonsai work, but also must be exciting, as shown by its professional events.
In recent years he has distinguished himself as a facilitator for international bonsai exhibitions.
A particular specialty is tree meetings that he has introduced the first in Europe. Identifying potential call seminars where Walter received intensive one weak point in the bonsai education.
Walter was one of the first Europeans who have worked seriously with native species. Walters Bonsai are generally expressive, and fall on a natural design.
He has written over 100 articles for almost all Western Bonsai Magazine. Walter is also an excellent photographer and gives himself all the pictures for his articles. He is a very active member of the Bonsai events on the web.

In 1987 I bought my first bonsai at a Christmas market. At this time my full time job was a mountain guide and my interest was always been the struggle to survive of old trees in the mountains.
After reading the books from Pius Notter and John Naka my enthusiasm was sparked for Yamadori.
There were also imports, young plants and nursery stock.
In the fall of 1990 I gave up my mountain guide job and I became a teacher job. My bonsai collection grew quickly and now I have 150 Bonsai and Prebonsai in my garden. In addition there are a lot of plants, which often take even more care than the bonsai themselves.
Since 1997 I visited the Scuola d´Arte Bonsai with Master H. Suzuki.

François Jeker gives lectures and demonstrations all over the world: in Europe, the USA and South America, in South Africa, and in the Caribic.
In 2008 he founded a bonsai school in Monreal (Canada). He has written and also illustrated several books about the aesthetics of bonsai and the handling of dead wood. These books are translated into several languages, and they are now considered standard works. He also worked for several national and international journals.
With his trees he won numerous awards at European exhibitions.
Since 2005 he is organizing courses for participants from all Europe at his home in Alsace (France) always trying to design mostly European yamadori plants using very gentle techniques.
In his opinion bonsai is not only an art, but also a philosophy and a rule of life based on having respect for the nature.

Mr. Fischer is one of the most famous German bonsai artists. In his garden “Bonsai Design” in Bammental close to Heidelberg he designed many of the top quality bonsai in Germany.
As a member of the Nippon Bonsai Sakka Kyookai Europe his works as well as his workshops and the demonstrations has excellent reputation.
Since 10 years Udo Fischer is managing the German part of the Scuola d`Arte Bonsai, where you will get trained to get an authority in bonsai design.

Reading bonsai related books Aurelio De Capitani got 1985 close to the art of bonsai,
In the next years he took several workshops hold by international designers.
From up 1993 he got taught by master Hideo Suzuki at the Scuola d´Arte Bonsai - this was impressing him highly
From up 1995 he is travelling frequently to Japan to refine his sence of esthetics.
Aurelio De Capitani is dealing nearly only with cultivating shohin bonsai. Professionals call him THE shohin specialist in Europe. In addition, he is a member of the Japan Shohin Association, and is a member of the NBSKE since 2004.